Friday, January 15, 2010

Summertime already??

I know most of you find that blog title totally nuts, but let me explain.

So I do landscaping for a living right . . . more specifically I work with flower displays for a living. So let me explain to you what my January is like at work.

Revising my order and working on sales for all of our early Spring flowers, ie Pansies, Tulips, etc.

Diving head first into Summer flower display designs, sales, and ordering. I spend half of my day looking at flower photos, working up ideas, and focusing on our summer plans. I work with bright colors, light, and all things tropical.

My office is a gray cinderblock room with bright flower photos and other photos all over the walls (because gray does not drive creativity). So I spend my day looking at summer and then walk out into the frozen winter to go home.

So in reality, I have no idea what season it is. Does anyone else understand my confusion?


Christa Jeanne said...

Yeah, that would be a little confusing. Question is, which season do you dress for on a daily basis? ;)

Dani said...

I get a little bit of that writing for a weekly newspaper. I have to keep in mind when I'm writing that the story won't be published for at least 4 days, so sometimes I have to write about events scheduled for the future in the past tense ("a meeting was held" instead of "a meeting will be held"). it was even worse when I wrote for a monthly magazine.

kimi + joe said...

Haha, I love the world of horticulture! I have no doubt your displays are the most impressive and I would love to see them. If only we lived closer...

BTW, is Roel there yet? Sometimes I wish I were on Facebook.